I've sewn quite a bit, though not terribly well, and other crafts are fairly new to me. (Hence the name of this blog, so-so crafter.) So it still amazes and exhilarates me when something turns out as I envisioned it, such as this bag.
These gifts are for a little girl in M's preschool class whose favorite colors are pink and neon green. I wanted to make a bag with a crocheted, oblong bottom, but I couldn't find a pattern so I made it up myself. (My very first, very own crochet pattern! I'll post it next time.) My inspirations for the bag were
this pouch (which has a round, knitted bottom), and a classic oval-bottomed Coach purse I've had for 20 years.* I made the mouse and her bed from this really cute
tutorial, and they fit cozily in the bag. It was really fun making something for a little girl for a change.
* I used to have such an obsession for Coach bags. Remember when it cost exactly nothing to have your Coach purse repaired? And they would repair almost any condition (even worn binding)? You could almost justify paying hundreds of dollars for a purse.